Our journey to Financial Independence

Month: January 2021

Universal Basic Income could it be THE Answer?

What if the government covered your living cost? Would you still go to work? What even is Universal Basic Income? Could it work?

2020 was the biggest challenge our social systems have seen in a long time. It forced countries to become creative and find new solutions. One of these solutions was Universal Basic Income or UBI. Whilst it’s not a new concept it bounced to the forefront of our attention. We saw different examples last year from the American stimulus checks to the travel grants in Japan. 

The first hurdle the policy faces is its definition. Some call for a replacement of welfare by UBI and others for an addition. The longest-standing “experiment” of UBI is the Alaskan “oil dividend”. Which sees any permanent resident of Alaska receiving an annual monetary stipend.

Oil Dividend Alaska Monthly Stipend

This monetary stipend has not had an impact on employment or wealth imbalance in the area. It has seen an increase in part-time work and “evening” studies. We will explore this more later.

I believe that UBI could open the doors to Financial Independence to many as well as giving more time for meaningful work. Less risk of living paycheck to paycheck and higher chance to make a valuable contribution. This ties in with the ideas I explore in “Financial Goals: I was wrong“.

So today let’s explore what Universal Basic Income is, what it means for the economy, and the pros and cons.

What is Universal Basic Income?

Universal Basic Income is quite easy to define it’s the idea that every adult should get a monthly stipend. Although, it sounds utopic and simple. It’s far from easy to put in place. There are many different takes on it from a no questions asked to check to a restricted special use debit card.

This concept has been around since the 16th century and is back with a vengeance currently. Tough economic situations suggest a radical solution. UBI is one of the options. The perfect amount is not a matter of economics but politics. The one rule the policy would abide by is that no matter who you are, what you do, or what you believe you are entitled to it.

Additionally UBI is not a plea to make people work less. It’s the power to enable them to a job that matters. It not only means an increased chance to work according to your values. It empowers workers in less enviable positions as they gain leverage to request higher working conditions. 

Implementing it could be as a supplement to the welfare offered by the state which would increase the overall cost and tax at higher incomes. Or replace it partially/fully and become a new and fairer approach that has diminishing returns as you go up the income ladder. All in all, it is an effort to bridge the wealth gap. But can it work?

How could UBI Work?

Negative taxation?

At the end of the day, UBI starts with tax reform and implementing a negative income tax (yet another name for UBI. To help you visualize the situation in table 1. You can see the impact on your taxes and net income. The data is based on the European Average tax level in 2019 39% and the global average of 31%. As well as a £1000 per month income or £12000pa.

Universal Basic Income Breakdown

If you are more of a visual thinker the curb looks like this :

Universal Basic Income Gross Income vs Net Tax Rate

As you can see with a negative income tax as the basis for UBI taxes would normalize fast. Instead of creating an inflationary situation it would lead to the redistribution of wealth whilst giving an equal footing to all.

Regional Currency?

Gyeonggi province in Korea has had a basic income for under 24-year-olds for some time now. The idea was that they get a quarterly stipend of 100’000won or 85USD which they had to spend in local business with a revenue of under 830,000USD. (article link

The program has now been expanded to the whole of the adult population since the start of COVID-19. It allows the state to subsidize small businesses whilst empowering and protecting its people. With the spending restricted and limited to certain regions.

By directing the cashflow via local spenders and increasing the regional GDP – the population is also enabled to invest. Not only in stocks but in themselves. It empowers workers to focus on their education and retrain new skills. This is particularly important in a country with a strong increase in automation.

Why not check out the video below from the Wall Street Journal which visited a recipient of this variant of UBI.

Replacing Welfare?

Welfare can often feel like a trap. With clear thresholds that are arbitrarily set and rarely updated. By generalizing aid and removing constraints you give a chance to recipients to use the funds as growth support. Supporters of the cause call for this to be funded by existing welfare funds as well as with saved administrative costs. The OECD (Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development) says its members spend on average 20% of their GDP on welfare. Or 8700USD per capita in 2019 raising to 22.7k for Luxemburg.

Social Welfare Cost OECD

This data excludes 2020 were due to COVID-19 relief efforts the value is certain to raise. It also excludes the cost of administration for such efforts.

What are the risks of Universal Basic Income?

In this category, it’s essential to differentiate perceived risks and risk themselves. In this case, I will explore the biggest perceived risks and whether or not studies see them as founded or not.

People will stop working

A big if not the biggest sociological fear around UBI is that people will stop working. The idea that UBI which causes higher taxes and a stronger base for a living will incentivize people to stop working. 

Evidence shows that indeed working rates significantly decrease when focusing on child labor. Although it only made it disappear in 8/19 studies it did show a decrease in hours worked in all studies! Which in turn led to an increase in school attendance and literacy.

As for the adult workforce, cash transfers did lead to a slight decrease among the elderly and those that care for dependants.

People will misuse the funds

But wouldn’t people just use the money on booze and cigarettes? A 2017 University of Chicago study on “Cash Transfer and Temptation Goods” has shown that when offered a basic income or subsidy the expenditure has a significant negative effect with a -0.18 standard dev. Studies have therefore been showing that concerns around tobacco and alcohol consumption are not applicable! 

Indeed the research paper also points out that temptation goods are subject to high substitution effects When one unlocks the fund for more valuable substitutes they tend to gravitate towards them. These alternatives include a higher education with uptake in reskilling as well as health-based replacements such as nutritious foods or exercise equipment.

How about inflation?

The worry of inflation is linked to the decrease of work in relation to the income earned. As seen above UBI doesn’t lead to a significant decrease in working hours and thus should only mildly impact inflation. 

Seeing it as a general raise is correct. A great example being Alaska’s oil dividend once more. Prices in Alaska although inflated rank 41st in the country despite supplementing income far from the likes of California, DC, or New York. 

Additionally, an approach in line with Gyeonggi pay would make sure UBI would be redirected and consumed within the region. Boosting the local economy in turn. In a study by the Roosevelt Institute on the Macroeconomic Effects of UBI, they point out a potential uplift of the GDP by 12.56% over 8 years.

They also conclude that there was as of 2017 no empirical data that such a program would lead to an inflationary economy.

Why Do We Need Universal Basic Income?

It often feels like the status quo is fine. It’s comfortable and easy as we know how it works. The goal of this article is to challenge your understanding and try and give you an alternative point of view. We grew up with our social system in place but go back 70 or 80 years and Paid Time Off was unimaginable. 

The strength of humanity is its constant evolution. With 2020 in the rear mirror and 2021 looking just as bad, the question stands are we doing enough?

The Wealth Gap

UBI inequality growth
Graph by David Leonhardt - NY Times Aug 7, 2017

This graph shows the striking difference in income growth between 1980 and 2014. We seem to think that the rich get richer was always true. Yet a measly 30/40 years ago the trend was reversed. With a wealth gap that was shrinking.

Of course, it would be delusional to think we could go back to the economic growth of the past. Yet redistributing the cards at the top of the range would make a large difference. Systemic poverty is engrained and not moving as the wealth gap increases.

An egalitarian UBI would give the chance to the 98% to bridge the gap and start working towards a greener future. Currently juggling multiple jobs with a constant fear of losing them leaves no space for hope or betterment.

Often when working towards Financial Independence we forget that the deck was stacked in our favor. Of course, there are exceptions and inspiring stories. Yet recognizing my privilege and looking to help others grow is equally important.

A security net

If COVID-19 has taught us anything, we can’t be prepared for everything. With 40% of British people between 22 and 29 having no savings at all. Many have found themselves in dire situations as the age group was the hardest hit. 

With no social security net or protection in place in the United Kingdom, the jump below the poverty line is very fast. 

Not only does the crisis happen but it’s foreseen that 1 in 4 Americans will lose their job to automation in the next 12 years. UBI would allow peace of mind whilst these workers retrain for newly profitable jobs. 

Of course, it would be easy to say prepare in advance but when living paycheck to paycheck that is an option many can’t sustain.

Entrepreneurial Boost

Entrepreneurial Take Off thanks to UBI

With the rise of platforms like Patreon we see an increasing amount of creators relying on donations from their followers to live. This is no different than a basic income provided by self taxation. UBI is no different and would allow the extension of such principles to a bigger share of the population.

By paying, a consistent stipend and delivering what is effectively an income floor. Residents are empowered to take more calculated risks and create their own path. In turn, creating employment and boosting the economy. 

Ask yourself, how often do you hear people wish they could afford to start a company. But it’s just too risky they might lose everything. The impact knowing one can feed his family has on ambition is astounding.


My goal here wasn’t to convince you we need to adopt UBI. It was to dispel preconceived notions of economic downfall. Of course, just like every societal revolution, there will be repercussions and tradeoffs. 

Yet it doesn’t mean we will be taxed to all hell. Of course, we can expect an increase in taxation in the short term. Yet the chance of creating opportunities for everyone equally is worth it in my eyes. UBI, when tested, has led to an increase in GDP, education, and morale. 

As studies have shown an increase in mental health across the board!

I would love to hear your thoughts and ideas around this issue! How would you reform societal help?


light bulb with success definitions

Are You Successful? 7 Definitions of Success

How do top performers define success?

Are you going to be a success? I wish I could guarantee it. The problem begins when I ask you, how you define success.

By the way… How do you define success?

I’ll be honest, I have no clue. Curious as I am — I couldn’t leave this question unanswered. From Personal Finance to life, in general, it’s an essential question. We measure ourselves comparably to the success of others. Although, ultimately it doesn’t matter we cannot stop ourselves. 

So to be sure I had the best insight I had to look at the best for feedback. At the end of the day, we measure our own success. Yet finding pride from within can be challenging. I’m sure that whatever you believe is a success you will find yourself below!

1. If you're engaged it's a success

When asked about success Richard Branson answers

“My definition of success? The more you’re actively and practically engaged, the more successful you will feel.”

Mr Branson makes no mention of performance. In his eyes, success is a feeling – an emotional reaction. Although this quote might be difficult to apply to investing. It’s perfect when it comes to chasing Financial Independence. As we achieve FI the chase of success becomes an easy one. You have the time to throw yourself into engaging work, despite lower potential returns.

The book “Finding My Virginity” , an autobiography by Richard Branson, was eye-opening for me. Although, he has failed dozens of times and gotten back up. He started with nothing and has built the Virgin Empire by pursuing passion projects. 

We can put it down to luck. But it opens the question: had business been less profitable would he have the same definition of success? 

I feel close to this definition as motivation always runs high when I’m passionate. It certainly explains why “pro-bono” work feels rewarding.

2. Sacrifice is necessary

I didn’t expect to find “it’s easy” among the answers. Yet the way the Dalai Lama puts the value of success in perspective is mind-opening. It’s also a quote that is perfectly at its place on a FI/RE and Personal Finance blog.

“Judge your success by what you had to give up in order to get it.”

If you strive for Financial Freedom – you know the importance of lowering expenses and growing income. Achieving your yearly saving rate is a success in itself as it requires you to sacrifice some comfort.

I talk about the challenge of moving abroad in my article “Should I Live Abroad?”. My move abroad although at the cost of higher pay is in my eyes a success. Sacrificing the comfort from home for personal growth was the right call!

Take time to reflect on what you’ve given up on to reach your current position.

3. Success to the unyielding

How Bad do you want success?

Striking gold is tough. The likelihood of it being on the first throw is minuscule. You will fail. Not once probably, many times. How do you keep your drive? More importantly, how do you find your strength in failure?

Winston Churchill defines “Success is walking from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.”

I’ll be honest here… If I had given up blogging at my first hiccup. There would be no article. What keeps me relentlessly motivated and wanting more is passion. And maybe, more importantly, the conviction that Cent by Cent will go somewhere. 

Similarly when it comes to investing, “holding” is the only true strategy. Of course, rebalancing occasionally is important. But to reach the coveted million dollars the best tactic is consistent investing. Whether the market drops or rises you stay in the market. The technical term is Dollar Cost Averaging.

Keep your heart and hope high, success will accompany you. Do not let yourself be shot down and keep growing no matter what.

4. Eyes on the Prize

As an ambitious person, I tend to go from idea to idea. I get excited by many different projects, which end up leading to nothing. Expecting dumb luck or some kind of innate talent. Not realizing that concentrating my energy was the answer. Bruce Lee put it best when he said:

“The successful warrior is the average man, with laser-like focus.”

When it comes to investing, set your end goal and thrive for that. When saving feels pointless this month remember that you do it for tomorrow. Keeping a clear goal in mind and focusing all your efforts on it.

Of course, blind loyalty even to yourself is a Damocles sword. With strong focus comes emotional attachment. Sometimes accepting to take a loss is the best decision you can make. The high focus tends to make that difficult. As we saw with Winston Churchill accepting a failure can define your success! 

I dive into this idea in my article “2020 Retrospective: 10 Important Lessons

I’m not special but if I stay concentrated. I might just become successful.

5. Will it even matter?

“Try not to become a person of success, but rather try to become a person of value.”

This quote by Albert Einstein caught me by surprise. I was tunneling on success.

Society has taught me success is all that matters. 

Yet, does it matter if I must betray my beliefs? 

When making a big decision I always come back to this quote. I ask “what is the cost of this success?”.

From investing to lifestyle decisions, realize your values are what define you. Without them you are but a dragon hoarding money and accolades. Working aimlessly towards growth is an illusion.

The only true measure of your success is how much you grow towards your values. As a way to stay true to my values, I read the poem “If” by Rudyard Kipling weekly.  Alternatively, I explore the idea of setting goals in line with my values in my article “Financial Goals: Why I was Wrong”.

6. Where to start?

Whether it comes to storytelling, launching a company, or buying a house. We all get started with an idea. Pablo Picasso tells us to take a step back:

“You have to have an idea of what you are going to do, but it should be a vague idea.”

This resonates strongly with me. Of course, having objectives is important. On the other hand, being too specific can feel limiting. When I set off to write a new article I decide on a general topic and let it take me. The more free reign I give myself the more creative I get. 

Similarly when it comes to investments having rigid targets is taxing. I personally am aiming to save 5 digits this year. But I refuse to give myself an objective on returns. No one can control the market and when you are in it in the long run… one year’s returns is a drop in the ocean.

7. Success is accepting imperfection

Success won’t come easy. That’s a given. Success eludes many as they define it as reaching perfection. Perfectly mastering a skill, a perfect recipe or creation are but dreams. 

Have no fear of perfection – you’ll never reach it.

Salvador Dali

I find this quote relaxing. It reminds me that although quality is important – perfection is fiction. When I started Cent by Cent, I would refuse to publish an article if it wasn’t perfect. It took me a month to understand I’ll always find flaws in my work. It’s better to publish and grow than to stagnate and wait for perfection.

The same goes with Personal Finance, I’ve accepted I’ll never rid myself of all unnecessary expenses. It’s impossible simply because sometimes “treating” yourself is a necessity. I try to keep my mistakes to a minimum but accept that I can’t completely avoid them.

So What is success?

No Idea…

Really None.. but isn’t that the beauty of it? 

You are able to create your own definition of success. One thing that seems to be in common is to never back down. Whether it’s in life or in finance, hold your positions and give yourself the time to grow. 

The biggest cause of failure is giving up. On the other hand, I try to remember to not be stubborn. Sometimes, giving up is the best thing you can do. As long as you grow from every endeavour whether it ends in success or failure doesn’t matter.

We must strive to create our own measure of success and to live according to our values!

I would love to hear what you define success as and how you apply it to your everyday life.

Trading 212 or Vanguard?

Trading 212 or Vanguard? What investor are you?

I am not and do not pretend to be a financial advisor. I am a financial enthusiast and all information contained in this article is not to be taken as advice but as an opinion. The article contains affiliate links marked as (AF). All opinions are my own and are free of external influence.

Time to start compounding your wealth! I’m sure you’ve heard it 1000 times but which broker should you pick Trading 212 or Vanguard? What’s the difference is one better than the other and will your path to financial security change depending on your choice?

Whether you chose Trading 212 or Vanguard doesn’t matter. At the end of the day, the important thing is to start investing! The first pound/dollar is always scary but once you get the ball rolling it can truly change your life. 

But before I go on a rant about the amazing thing that is compound interest (find out more here) let’s focus on the subject at hand. Should you go with Trading 212 or Vanguard? 

To answer this in the best way possible we will explore what each service offers, what investing profile fits each best, and how to get the most out of both!

What are Trading 212 and Vanguard?

Investment growth

Trading 212

Let’s start with the newer product! Trading 212 is a fee-free broker that allows you to trade in real shares and CFDs. You are also able to invest in fractional shares! No need to save for an entire share. Do you want to own $1 in TSLA well it’s possible! Unfortunately, they aren’t available in the USA or Canada. If you live in either of these countries you should check out M1 Finance as they offer a similar product for the American market.

Let’s get back to Trading 212, the system is built with 3 separate accounts:

  1. Invest
  2. ISA
  3. CFD

ISA accounts are tax-free accounts for the UK market. If you want to learn more about them feel free to read my article “What are ISAs”. CFD and Invest account being separated ensure that you will not trade options accidentally. Something that can easily happen with eToro for example. 

From company stocks like Microsoft to Index funds for the likes of the  S&P 500 Trading 212 has everything you can wish for. Provided you have the time to pick and choose your shares T212 is amazing! 

Additionally, Trading212 allows you to rebalance your investment pies automatically when you add, remove, or change the weight of a stock. If you are unfamiliar with rebalancing why not give The Banker On Wheels’ latest article a read? “The only skill you need – Portfolio Rebalancing”

The website also allows you to have a demo account and practice trading with up to 50000. It’s a great way to get familiar with trading and more accepting of numbers both in the red and the green!

If you want to get started with Trading 212 use my link and with the first £1/$1 invested you will get a free stock worth up to £100/$100. (AF)


Vanguard is a more traditional asset manager. They offer a wide array of ETFs and Index Funds that are traded either on the NYSE (New York Stock Exchange) or in the UK. It means you have the opportunity to open an account with them as your broker or trade them through other brokers. 

In short, you can trade Vanguard stocks on Trading 212 but not the other way! 

For more details on what Vanguard offers, I already wrote an introductory guide to their product in my article: “How to invest with Vanguard”.

What kind of Investor are you?

So we covered the basics both brokers allow you to trade and invest in the long run… is one better than the other? Well first of all if you are not a UK, US, or Canadian investor Vanguard’s platform won’t be accessible to you. That was easy, wasn’t it!

On the other hand, their funds will still be accessible to you! So this part is still relevant to you. Why does your personality have an impact on the broker or approach you should take?

Well depending on your risk aversion, time at disposal, and interests, you might prefer different brokers. 

I’ll  be separating investing profiles into 4 different archetypes:

  1. Risk-averse and Hands-off: The Sleeper
  2. Risk-averse and Hands-on: The Judge 
  3. Risk-insensitive and Hands-off: The Sheriff
  4. Risk-insensitive and Hands-on: The Cow-Boy

The Sleeper

 You want your wealth to grow but you want minimal risk and do not want to touch your account. First of all sorry to tell you this but no risk doesn’t exist when it comes to investing. Low risk does but there is no such thing as 100% guaranteed returns. 

The good news is Vanguard has the perfect products for you. If you are based in the UK I would go with one of their LifeStrategy funds as they allow you to blend equity and bonds to your liking. All you have to do is set up your direct debit and every month your money will be invested and diversified for you!

The Lifestrategy 60% equity and 40% bond which has returned 54.75% over the last 5 years is diversified as follows:

If you are based elsewhere and want to build a safe portfolio you can forget about it’s easy to do with Trading 212. They give you the chance to create your investment pie and give you an idea of your annualized returns based on the last 5 years. Why not build a pie with a similar mixture of index funds and fixed income funds.

Set them up and come and check on them 2 or 3 times a year they should lead to consistent growth!

The Judge

You want returns but you are ready to get a little less as long as your nest egg is safe. But on the other hand, you like being in control. You want to know what companies you hold and how they are performing at all times. 

I find myself in this category at times. Although Vanguard would once again be great for you. You would rather pick and choose your companies as you want only solid stocks. You might dabble in a few funds for security but overall you want to build a company portfolio.

Therefore, I think you should pick up Trading 212 if in the UK don’t forget to open an ISA and top that up before a general investment account. But honestly, you will get more out of this broker.

Once again to make sure you are invested in the “safest” stocks and funds possible, having the opportunity to rebalance your pie will make your life much easier! 

Resources to get started:(AF)

  1. 1 free share valued up to £100/$100 using this link
  2. A 29 pages long course on how to begin investing “Opening Bell: Time to Invest

The Sheriff

You’re in it because you want to win. The more you can maximize your return the happier you are! The Sheriff is willing to take on a little more risk as long as he gets to reap more rewards. Your focus is equity as that’s where the growth is! The Sheriff doesn’t want to put too much effort into his investing though. 

As for any passive trader, Vanguard would be perfect for you! Whether it’s them All Cap Accumulation Fund, VUSA/VOO (S&P 500 index fund), or the Lifestrategy 100% you are all in. Of course like any sensitive trader you have set up your direct debits and invest the same sum regardless of the state of the market. 

What would your diversification and portfolio look like if you went with Vanguard’s Lifestrategy 100%?As for how you could set this up in Trading 212, I would add in multiple index funds like VUSA or iShares funds that track equity markets. That way you don’t need to check daily as stocks are rotated in and out of indexes depending on their performance. Historically the S&P 500 has returned 7.2% p/a in the last 10 years it climbs to 10%!

The Cowboy

You want it all the control, the returns, victory! You are willing to risk more to get more. But be careful there’s a reason Cowboys were commonly poor. The Investing Cow-Boy often takes too much risk. Remember you cannot know everything and predict the market. 

Although I cannot recommend this approach unless you know exactly what you are doing or have a lot of time on hand. But if you stand here you should focus on Trading 212 as it allows you to invest and buy as much as you want every day and with no fees. 

Their categories and the option to sort by “big winners”, “big losers”, or “growth stocks” will make your life easier. But remember to always do your own research and remain consistent with your criteria!

More importantly never invest more than you can afford!

Trading 212 or Vanguard conclusion

You might feel like you don’t fit into any category. That’s very likely as we are adaptable animals. Personally, I stand between the Sheriff and the Judge. I invest 80% of my savings into the Lifestrategy 80% and the FTSE Global All Cap Fund held by Vanguard. 

Every month without fault a direct debit for £400 is sent straight to my Stocks & Shares ISA. The 20% that remain go to my Trading 212 UK dividend pie. Every Tuesday I buy in £25 worth of fractional shares. It also means that ¼ of my monthly investments are easily rebalanceable. Additionally, I save another £500 in high-yield savings account as a fund for a first Real Estate Investment!

At the end of the day, the broker doesn’t make your wealth your decisions do! So if you invest regularly or are getting started, tell me in the comments what type of investor you are?

Around the world

Should I live abroad? To Leave or Not To Leave

Should you live abroad?

How difficult could it be to go abroad?

People, do it all the time, don’t they?

I was confident when I decided to leave Switzerland. Living abroad was going to be a walk in the park. Although, I had always worked and lived by Lake Geneva. English and traveling had been a big part of my upbringing. On the other hand, it never felt like quite enough – I wasn’t fulfilled.

All my friends had gone abroad to study, learn a language, or on internships. 6 months here, 6 months there. Surprisingly, most of them have decided to drop their bags in Switzerland — it was my turn to go out and explore. Yes moving abroad meant turning my back on the infamous “Swiss Salaries” but I needed to do it.

Sometimes decisions have to be made despite FI/RE as mental wellbeing is paramount.

Just like every 22 years old, I was convinced I had everything under control! Once I found a great job opportunity in London, it was very straightforward, get there: find a flat and go to work. Friends, finances, and all the rest will just fall in place.

They will right?

Well… it wasn’t quite that easy. Let me share what I learned, hopefully, it’ll make your life easier.

Living abroad can feel extraterrestrial

Sounds obvious, doesn’t it. Of course, I expected a few things to differ. From the currency to the language or the cost of living. Somehow differences are hidden everywhere. Even within Europe, social expectations, work culture, and mindset are drastically different.

People were bonding in different ways. Where back home we tend to be straight to the point— in the UK people would take offense. Where working overtime was customary (and paid), it was now frowned upon or hidden in plain sight. It isn’t bad far from it. It just took some time to get accustomed. None of these things were deal breakers, I’m more than happy to be abroad. But when preparing or thinking about a move abroad take the time to research smaller things. It won’t always be plug and play. The learning curve can be steep at times but golly gee is it worth it.

For example, if you are looking to move abroad and are from the USA The Frugal Expat shares amazing insights on wealth from the other side of the world.

Living abroad an astronaut on the moon

Banks, credit score, and more...

Oh, how naive I was…

Why did I expect everywhere to function like the Swiss system? I have no idea… most likely I was arrogant. Take it from me at least research how to open a bank account. Sounds straight forward right? Well, it wasn’t… I had to go to at least 10 banks before I could start the process. They didn’t understand how time-sensitive it was. I mean how was I supposed to receive my salary, pay rent, get a phone?

Once again this could have been avoided with a bit of research. Had I known which documents were needed for what — it might have been easier. I’d recommend researching the following:

  1. How to open a bank account?
  2. How to get a phone plan?
  3. Public transportation or a car?
  4. How does healthcare work?
  5. Do you need to change your driving license?

The list goes on. But had I figured out the 5 above, my driving license wouldn’t have expired…

Look for financial opportunities for example in the UK you can open an ISA (a tax-free account) and opening a brokerage account tax-free is simple! Whenever you are making a move abroad take the time to look for opportunities. If you are in the UK learn how to start investing with Index Funds here. If you are in Switzerland check-out this article 2 Step Guide To Achieve $1,000,000 In Your Voluntary Retirement Account — Swiss Edition by Fast Track.

There are many more to find and countries all have their hidden tricks. Luckily you can find Personal Finance bloggers all over!

Banks abroad piggy bank and coins

Building Trust Abroad

Leaving your support system behind for a city — you’d traveled to once is tricky. I expected building a new support system would be easy. Somehow knowing which supermarket to go to was already a challenge.

The problem, when you move abroad for work and not for studies, is people are at different stages of life. Some have a family, some have a favorite pub, or group, finally, the other new guys are also completely lost. Although, I quickly found circles to join building trust and true friendship took time.

Thankfully, I stuck through it. I got out of my comfort zone and got to know these lovely people. Since then I have formed a tight-knit group of friends and met a wonderful young lady. The rough start was definitely worth it. I’m now blessed to have true friends both in Switzerland and in London.

“No distance of place or lapse of time can lessen the friendship of those who are thoroughly persuaded of each other’s worth.” — Robert Southey

Homesickness is sneaky

6 months… they flew by — it hit all of a sudden. What in the world was happening? Everything had felt normal until that moment. This intense feeling of doubt and dread suddenly dawned upon me.

I might never live there again.

A crazy thought. The 1-way flight ticket should have made that obvious. I remember the Sunday 17th of February 2019 like yesterday. It suddenly all became real. I picked up the phone and called home. Hearing my mother’s voice was all I needed. I guess there is just something about rainy Sundays in Watford that makes you nostalgic.

Instead of letting the feeling control me — I let it flow. 

I dug in what did it mean?

The sadness was not that I left, it was the realization I was creating a new home in the UK. A new identity, even though I grew up in Switzerland — I can exist elsewhere. Every time, I feel it since then, I take time to reflect and I look at my partner — it’s worth it. No doubt here! I’m happy, but I would lie if I said I didn’t miss the mountains.

“Maybe you had to leave in order to really miss a place; maybe you had to travel to figure out how beloved your starting point was.” — Jodi Picoult

The best decision of my life

Despite all of this, leaving home was the best decision of my life. Of course, staying would’ve been easier. On the other hand, going home now has a completely different flavor. I enjoy every moment with my family and friends tenfold. I have also created a support system and met the most wonderful person here.

The beauty of leaving is not knowing when I’ll return. The open ending means my life is up to me. I get to choose my direction, my purpose, and my passions. Although traveling for vacation feels liberating, nothing compares to packing your bags and leaving. A 1-way plane ticket feels and is entirely different. How could I regret being truly alive?

If you are contemplating making this decision. I couldn’t recommend it more. Get out of your comfort zone, travel, live elsewhere. You’ll never regret it.

What was your big decision financial or travel-related? What makes you feel alive?

pins on a map

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2020 in the rear mirror

2020 Retrospective: 10 Important Lessons

The time has come to say goodby to this awful year. Finishing the year with a retrospective is a great way to appreciate our growth. Yet at the same time… Saying the past year was tough is an understatement.

Like many, I was determined not to let 2020 go to waste. It would be easy to wallow and think that we wasted 365 days. Inaction is always the easy route. This year especially required creativity to grow and improve. 

On the other hand, despite all its flaws 2020 was an amazing learning opportunity from self-improvement to personal finance. Never has my life changed this much. This article is an opportunity for introspection and a window into my mind.

Embrace uncertainty

If I had to take 1 thing away it uncertainty is unavoidable. I always thought I could design my future. 2020 showed me you must make the most of the cards you are given. 

It was liberating as it taught me to be more laidback. I take things as they come and enjoy the moment.

Better late than never

Before 2020 my investment portfolio was all of £200. I had tiptoed into using a roboinvestor but it had never really stuck as a habit. That was until I discovered the power of compounding interest. 

When I realized that £500 per month for 20 years would be worth £312k with an interest gain of £173.7k. I became impatient and had to start that instant. If you want to get into investing check out my article on “Investing with Vanguard.”

It would’ve been easier to think why not wait an extra year? As I had already lost the first 2 years of my career. On the other hand, I could start today and reap bigger rewards. 

It was a no brainer

coins in front of a clock money is time

Just start

As I grew up, I had a flawed idea – I believed in perfect timing. There was no point starting something if all the stars didn’t align. If I wanted to work out my body needed to be in top shape. 

Yet as I spent most of the year on furlough. I realized that appetite comes as we eat. The first minutes of exercise, writing, or cooking might feel dreadful. But as it goes on the result feels more rewarding and empowering. 

All I need to do is get going.

Define yourself

I grew up in a family of very hard-workers. Coupled with the societal belief that your work defines your identity. As I was sent home for the foreseeable future in March – I felt directionless. 

My goals and purpose had been solidly tied to my job and before that to my studies. For the first time, I had no given path. It left me with an empty feeling. Until my partner helped me wake up and showed me life had more to give. 

As 2020 went by I rediscovered what mattered to me and how I would build myself. This lead to Cent by Cent and countless memories!

Remain true to your values

values Strong like an oak

My own mortality

I was always aware that I will die. Luckily, I’ve always been in good health. Never had the thought will this be my last breath crossed my mind before 2020. As I was struggling to breathe in March – the thought dawned on me. 

“I might not wake up tomorrow”

The hospitals were full… people were dying and the UK was in crisis. I was laying there wondering how I would draw air in. There were no regrets to be had but I was lost. The situation only truly became apparent as I looked into my partner’s eyes. She was sharing my pain. 

I have lived a life that leaves me with no regrets. Every decision has led me to where I am today and for that I’m thankful. Yet one thought kept ringing in my mind.

It’s too early I still have so much to do, see, and create.

Creativity is within us all

My talent for the arts is close to none. I can’t draw or paint and you most definitely do not want to hear me sing. On the other hand, I’ve always been drawn to art – the need to create was buried within. 

The game-changer was writing. As I started publishing on Medium I found my voice and strived to help people on their Personal Finance Journey. Do my early articles make me cringe? Undoubtedly but they are a sign of progress.


It was easy to think that I wasn’t:

  • Talented enough
  • Creative enough
  • Funny enough

2020 is the year I realized. I create my own limitations. It’s up to me to set my limits and break them. There is no limit to my personal growth. The only way I stop growing is when I stop learning. 

A lifelong learner is unstoppable.

Agility is key

This year was a nightmare for all control freaks. Everything went out the window. Rules society relied on for decades were gone. Some reacted by closing themselves up and throwing up the white flag. Others used 2020 as a catalyst and put down the fight of their lives. 

A situation although immovable is what you make of it. 2020 could have been a lost year but I decided to make it mine. 

Was it perfect?

Far from it. 

But I adapted to this ever-changing world and made the most of it. My friend the Financial Imagineer shared this bit of wisdom: 

“When the wind of change blows, some build walls, some build windmills.”

An old Chinese saying

money in a tissue box

Money isn’t important

Sorry for misleading you. It is. But not as much as we think. Money is a tool. It allows us to purchase freedom and peace of mind. On the other hand, money isn’t the key to happiness. 

Have you ever tried hugging a stack of banknotes?

It’s cold and probably feels very lonely. Wealth is important as it allows you to focus on your true values. Falling in love with money is greed personified and a slippery slope to loneliness.

I explore this more in-depth in my article “Financial Goals: Why I Was Wrong”.

Never Alone

The grind is often sold as a 1 player game. Work as hard as you can neglect your relationships and build your wealth. On the other hand, you’ll reap the rewards down the road they say.

I have a simple question what is the point?

Throughout this year I was lucky enough to move in with my Significant Other, spend time with family and friends. After all, I found a community of like-minded people online that I’m excited to grow with. 

2020 might’ve been the year we were all a part but for me, it shone a bright light on my relationships. Don’t give up building meaningful relationships in pursuit of wealth. Life isn’t made to be lived in isolation.

If unfortunately, you had to spend the Holidays in isolation or alone. Please know that you are loved and valued whoever you are.

2020 retrospective

This year was full of surprises good or bad. But looking back, never have I grown and learned this much. Although, it came with its load of troubles 2020 counted double in many cases. 

The end of the year doesn’t mean the end of the pandemic, unfortunately. Yet it’s a great time to reflect and learn. What have you drawn from 2020 and how will you apply it in the future?

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